To succeed at anything, whether at work, or personal achievements, requires many things, but one essential ingredient to ensure success is the team you have working with you, either behind the scenes or alongside you, either way they are essential.
At Next Call we are no different; we have a fantastic team, and due to them and their continued hard work, we are able to do what we do and provide the very best results for the organisations we are working with.We thought it would be interesting to highlight some of our team members, so we found out some interesting bits of information about each of them.
Suzie Martin has been with Next Call since 2009, after working in the enterprise software space since 1999, starting at Hyperion who then merged with Arbor Software and were then acquired by Oracle in 2005. Suzie continued to work at Oracle until 2008 when she then moved over to working with Oracle partners which led to her meeting Sarah, Next Call’s managing director, and a move to Next Call happened soon after.
Working at Next Call has provided Suzie with a great deal of flexibility to continue with a career in the business that she loves, but to also be able to raise a family and juggle everything that comes along with that.
Not only has the job provided flexibility but also the opportunity to work with a great team who are supportive, interesting, and best of all fun! The work brings the chance to work on different projects with different types of customers ensuring plenty of variety.
One of the customers Suzie has been working with is Brightgen, and they have been very pleased with how their campaign has been handled, and most importantly with the results.Carly Watling, Brightgen’s Marketing Manager, was kind enough to say this about us...
We’ve been working with Nextcall for over 3 years now with great success, and have benefitted from many quality leads. They know our business and our strengths as well as the market and support us in approaching campaigns flexibly so we can get results quickly, and allow our campaigns to evolve. They are thorough in their reporting, and a pleasure to work with. I recommend them without hesitation.
To finish off our peek into the background of one of our team we thought it would be fun to dig a little deeper and find out more about Suzie...
What’s the best bit of advice you’d give someone starting out today in the role of business development?
“Don’t be afraid to just do it, be prepared but don’t worry. Prepare well and then just get on with it!”
Are you a tea lover or coffee drinker?
“Both; coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon.”
What’s your favourite film?
Where is your next holiday destination?
“Cornwall and Italy”
What item that you don't have already, would you most like to own?
“A lovely getaway somewhere; a ski chalet, or villa in St Tropez.”
If you could meet any living person for a chat over a shared dinner, who would you pick?
Can you play any instruments?
“The piano, very badly!”
What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
“I run the school book shop and book club.”
What’s the strangest talent you have?
“I can do an ET voice.”
What are three things still left on your bucket list?
“More travel; I would like to travel to India.”
Having a strong agile team around us provides us with the confidence and spread of experience that is needed to fulfill the requirements of our customers, whilst also allowing us to be able to start new projects quickly.
Get in touch to find out how we can become part of your team and support your business development campaigns.
In the meantime, watch this space for a look into the background of one of our other team members.